
News2582 Results

Community 2 May 2017

Keep your home healthy and warm this winter

Adrian Feasey from Auckland Council shares tips to save money, improve health and make your home energy efficient.

Community 1 May 2017

Every day is different for friends who met on the job

Phillip Atuahiua and Brendon Collinson reckon there’s great job satisfaction in surveying houses.

Community 28 Apr 2017

New home comes as welcome surprise

When Glen Innes resident Uili Pao-Salu found out he and his family were moving into a new house, he didn’t tell anyone for two weeks.

Community 27 Apr 2017

This 82-year-old hero has been making tracks for 40 years

Hugh Willis, an 82-year-old Torbay resident and former Westlake Boys High School maths teacher, has been building bush tracks across Albany and East Coast Bays for the past 40 years.

Community 26 Apr 2017

Weaving a brighter future together

A multi-coloured cloak covered in thousands of houses aims to spark discussion about the Tāmaki regeneration programme.

Community 24 Apr 2017

Meet Waste Champion Green Jon

Waitākere Community Recycling Centre project manager Jon Morgan, known better as 'Green Jon', is keen to see local consumers become zero-waste champions.

Food / Drink 20 Apr 2017

Partnership lets students take food from ground to plate

Mangere Mountain Education Centre and Nestlé Cook for Life – Ka Tunu Ka Ora have partnered to offer educational workshops to secondary school students, giving them the opportunity to know more about food and nutrition.

Arts 20 Apr 2017

Maker movement putting power in young people’s hands

Creative champions and technology have come together in an initiative called Makerhood, helping people rediscover the art of making and encouraging people to tinker, fix and make stuff rather than consume it.