News118 Results
Bat tracking and rediscovering the behaviour of a tiny native species
Going into bat for this threatened species.
Papakura Stream helpers celebrate progress
There are thousands more plants along the Papakura Stream's banks thanks to committed volunteers.
Exciting progress at Botanic Gardens
There's lots happening behind the scenes at Auckland Botanic Gardens.
Board backs Pahurehure islands recognition
Papakura Local Board has supported a plan change to recognise the relationship mana whenua have with sites.
Successful ‘lighting strike’ on invasive Caulerpa seaweed
A bright light is proving effective for killing Caulerpa seaweed, which is a rapidly spreading invasive seaweed in northeastern New Zealand.
First ever regional conservation status assessment released on birds in Auckland region
Inventory of Auckland’s bird species released for first time.
Pahurehure plan says assets can be managed
A shoreline adaptation plan for Pahurehure, looking at how to manage assets along the inlet, has been adopted.
Funds on offer to improve waterways
A helping hand is being offered to landowners to help improve the area's waterways.