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Protecting Auckland's environment

News1734 Results

Waste 26 Jul 2019

Community Recycling Centres face plastics challenge

Auckland Council is encouraging Aucklanders to recycle all their household plastic containers.

Waste 25 Jul 2019

Join the 'refillution' at Auckland Council Libraries and Pools and Leisure Centres

Auckland Council is proud to join the ‘refillution’ with selected libraries and all pools and leisure centres registering as official ‘RefillNZ Stations’ – places where people are welcome to stop in and refill their reusable water bottles for free...

Waste 25 Jul 2019

Illegal dumper faces full force of law

Auckland Council is cautioning Aucklanders to be wary of individuals or organisations offering cheap waste disposal services via social media.

Environment 24 Jul 2019

Future Auckland: It's time for climate action

Auckland Council's Chief Sustainability Officer John Mauro gives his thoughts on Auckland’s future and the climate emergency.

Waste 23 Jul 2019

Go reusable for your caffeine fix during Plastic Free July

Each time we use a single-use cup, it contributes to the single-use plastic packaging that can’t be recycled - help end this by using a reusable cup.

Environment 23 Jul 2019

No bag? No worries at the Wesley Market

If you’re at the popular Wesley Market and have forgotten a shopping bag - don’t panic!

Waste 23 Jul 2019

Ditching that single-use straw will make a difference

A plastic straw may not seem like a big issue, but when you add up the estimated 200 million plastic straws we consume in New Zealand each year, plastic straws create a large problem for the environment.

Environment 19 Jul 2019

Response continues in effort to contain fruit fly

The response continues in response to fruit fly finds in the Northcote area, with restrictions remaining in place to contain the pest.