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Protecting Auckland's environment

News1732 Results

Environment 4 Aug 2020

Celebrating Auckland's rangers on World Ranger Day

Read our Q&A with our park rangers and learn more about the important work they do around the region.

Environment 31 Jul 2020

Regional park big winner of schools budgeting competition

Duder Regional Park has gained nearly 200 new trees thanks to prize money won in a school budgeting competition.

Environment 31 Jul 2020

How to plant smarter by planning your planting

There are a few helpful things to remember when you are planning what to plant in your back yard, starting with why winter is the best time to plant new trees and shrubs.

Environment 29 Jul 2020

What to grow and eat this winter

Auckland Council’s Live Lightly team share their tips for what to grow and eat during the winter season and how to improve your garden’s sustainability.

Environment 24 Jul 2020

Kōkako rescue mission a success

Auckland Council rangers swooped to the rescue of a juvenile kōkako at the weekend.

Waste 22 Jul 2020

Innovative solution to waste on trial

Auckland Council supports farming innovation that sits at the intersection of regenerative agriculture, zero waste and climate change mitigation

Environment 21 Jul 2020

Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan reaches milestone

Auckland's Climate Plan reaches another milestone with the adoption of text at Environment and Climate Change Committee meeting.

Environment 21 Jul 2020

Auckland Council urges rural residents to consider a second tank

Auckland Council is encouraging rural residents reliant on rainfall for their water supply and who have only one storage tank, to install a second one in preparation for another dry summer.