Protecting Auckland's environment
News1488 Results

Boaties' guide to the exotic caulerpa rules in Auckland
Exotic caulerpa can travel quickly over long distances on vessels and equipment, and that’s why it’s been found around the Bay of Islands, Hauraki Gulf and parts of the Coromandel in popular anchorage locations.

Kauri dieback: clean bill of health for Hūnua Ranges
Hūnua Ranges remain healthy and kauri dieback free.

Hihi thrive in new regional park home
A conservation effort led by Auckland Council rangers to assist one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most treasured native birds is delivering groundbreaking results.

‘Shocking’ revelations: the tūi, the pōhutukawa, and the mystery of south Titirangi
Titirangi tūī turning up their toes

Slimy algae on Auckland beaches: What you need to know
Locals and visitors may see slimy algae - usually black or dark green in colour, in the sea and on beaches in the region this summer.

A beginner’s guide to responsible pet ownership in Auckland
Whether a cat, a dog or something more exotic, follow this handy how-to guide on responsible pet ownership to help your furry, fluffy, feathered or scaly friends live their best lives.

Get on board – waste-wise tips for boaties
Auckland Council is appealing to boaties and leisure craft users to be waste-wise on the water this summer to conserve our oceans and coastlines.

Aucklanders’ targeted rates working for our region
Cr Richard Hills, Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee says that more than $1 billion, collected specifically for environmental programmes, will be spent over the next ten years.