Mayor's Updates

The latest media updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News144 Results

Mayor 17 Nov 2022

Expenditure Control Committee to start work on $270 million budget hole

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says Auckland Council, Auckland Transport (AT) and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) have responded positively to the Auckland Council Governing Body’s demand for savings to help bridge its $270 million budget hole that ri...

Mayor 15 Nov 2022

Mayor disappointed Three Waters Consensus rejected

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown is disappointed central government has rejected the consensus proposal for Three Waters he and Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger put forward last month.

Mayor 15 Nov 2022

Progress on resource management reform welcomed

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has congratulated Environment Minister David Parker for getting his long-awaited Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning bills before Parliament.

Mayor 13 Nov 2022

Mayor encouraged by Wellington asking Aucklanders what we think

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says today’s move by Transport Minister Michael Wood to ask Aucklanders want we want in a future third Waitematā Harbour crossing is encouraging.

Mayor 11 Nov 2022

Mayor announces committee structure to save money and protect services

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has announced his Governing Body committee structure for Auckland Council to save money, keep rates low, protect the essential services Aucklanders value and improve the region’s natural and built environment.

Mayor 10 Nov 2022

Battle against rates rises and service cuts begins

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says today’s first business meeting of Auckland Council’s Governing Body is the start of “a battle against rate rises and service cuts”.

Mayor 10 Nov 2022

Congestion charging "a distraction" until public transport fixed

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown says congestion charging might be part of the mix in the future, but right now is a distraction from the immediate issues of dealing with Auckland Council’s $270 million budget hole and the city’s public-transport crisis.