Mayor's Updates

The latest media updates from the Office of the Mayor of Auckland.

News144 Results

Mayor 1 Jun 2023

Statement: Mayor Wayne Brown on his budget proposal

Today, Mayor Wayne Brown delivered a statement about his final Mayoral Proposal for Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2023/24.

Mayor 1 Jun 2023

Mayor announces final budget proposal to control rates, protect services and pay down debt

In a speech to Auckland residents on Thursday morning, Mayor Brown set out a path to pay down $2billion debt, keep rates at inflation, protect core services valued by Aucklanders, cut waste and start to steady the council’s books. 

Mayor 30 May 2023

Update on Storm Response Fund: Mayor wants resources and decision-making to sit closer to communities

Mayor Wayne Brown and councillors met to consider how the proposed $20 million Storm Response Fund might be allocated to improve Auckland’s ability to prepare for and respond to future storms.

Mayor 23 May 2023

Mayor announces first phase of Public Transport Turnaround Plan

Mayor Wayne Brown is announcing the first phase of a practical and achievable programme to turnaround Auckland’s flailing public transport patronage, by improving services and reliability.

Mayor 17 May 2023

Mayor supports reducing cuts to arts and social services as part of balanced, sustainable budget

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown intends to propose changes to the draft annual budget 2023/24 when he tables the final budget proposal at the Governing Body in early June.

Mayor 17 May 2023

Mayor supports ‘Making Space for Water’

Mayor Wayne Brown is backing a practical and achievable programme that would accelerate planned flood management works across the region – delivering in six years what would normally take three decades.

Council news 11 May 2023

Mayor ends Auckland state of emergency

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has ended the state of emergency declared over Auckland on May 9.

Mayor 10 May 2023

Council’s budget hole grows to staggering $375 million, equivalent to a 22.5 per cent rates rise

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown today reacted to news that Auckland Council’s operating budget hole has widened to an ongoing shortfall of $325 million, plus an additional $50m required next year for storm response.