Monitoring our environment

News40 Results

Community 15 Jun 2022

Franklin goes bats

The elusive long-tailed bat (pekapeka tou roa) might be more prevalent across Franklin than first thought.

Environment 7 Jun 2022

Toutouwai / North Island robins make a home of Hirakimata

There have been consistent sightings of toutouwai since 2007 on Hirakimata, the highest point on Aotea.

Environment 11 Mar 2022

First reports reveal reptile and amphibian predicament

Auckland Council has just released its Regional Threat Assessment for reptiles and amphibians, the first two in a series of threat assessments for indigenous species in the Auckland region.

Environment 30 Jul 2021

Celebrating our amazing rangers

31 July is World Ranger Day and is a chance for us all to say thank you to our incredible parks people.

Environment 1 Jul 2021

Inaugural Manukau Harbour environment report to guide future investment for long term change

Report reveals real improvements in air quality, wildlife biodiversity and water quality in areas of the harbour, and where to focus efforts and investment in the future.

Waste 24 Jun 2021

Be a tidy Kiwi neighbour

There are better ways to find a new home for unwanted items instead of leaving them outside hoping someone will wander by and take them.

Environment 12 Apr 2021

Auckland Council welcomes youth climate strikers' demands

Young people are justified in the urgency they are expressing, and it’s up to all of us not to let them down.

Environment 9 Apr 2021

Twin Streams community day a success

Panuku Development Auckland was a recent proud supporter of the Community Waitakere ‘Fresh Water Frenzy’ event within central Henderson at Falls Park.