Victoria Quarter resident Emily Reeves wants safer pedestrian access around her home.
She has presented Waitematā Local Board with a petition calling for a meeting to discuss the issue, and for the board to coordinate efforts with other Auckland Council groups.
"A colleague broke her arm recently, so we just want to be able to walk around safely, and we’d like the board to help us bring together various agencies to progress that,” she told the board’s monthly business meeting.
“We are only talking about basic improvements, but the long-term plan appears to have little to no spending in Victoria Quarter, and there is a feeling all the money goes on the other side of Queen Street.
“Things like pedestrian crossings and raised footpaths would be great, and parks too, but we just need to get the conversation going because it involves so many different agencies.”
Board deputy chair Shale Chambers moved the petition be received. He also asked staff to ensure it was passed on to the Development Planning Office, and other council and council-controlled organisations.
Chambers said the relevant groups should consider using money from city centre targeted rates to make progress.
Chair Pippa Coom acknowledged the advocacy work Chambers had done as a member of the City Centre Advisory Board.
“We are seeing progress, Auckland Transport is currently investigating improvements to the Cook Street off-ramp, largely because of the advocacy of the City Centre Resident’s Group.”