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Beaches 27 Aug 2020

Temporary dog rule changes to protect Snells Beach wildlife

The northern end of Snells Beach will be off limits to dogs for several months to allow some of the area’s much-loved and endangered shorebirds to breed in safety.

Plans / Projects 21 Aug 2020

COVID-19 delays Warkworth pontoon work

Work on a Warkworth pontoon is on track for summer, despite delays related to COVID-19.

18 Aug 2020

Tanker-to-tanker water service ends

The “tanker-to-tanker” initiative employed by Auckland Council to support private water carriers over the summer has ended.

Have your say 18 Aug 2020

Have your say on Cabeleigh Drive playground

Helensville’s timber history and stream have inspired a new playground design.

Environment 7 Aug 2020

Fences protect Rodney waterways

Rodney farmers are getting a helping hand to keep stock out of waterways.

Transport 16 Jul 2020

New Community Transport Hub approved for Warkworth

A new park and ride facility in Warkworth will bring new community benefits to the area such as car parks, bike racks, and bus stops.

Have your say 15 Jul 2020

Have your say on the future of Rodney

The Rodney Local Board Plan, which guides what the local board does over the next three years, is now open for feedback.

Plans / Projects 5 May 2020

Matakana Link Road to be built with capacity for four lanes

Matakana Link Road is being future-proofed with the capacity to allow for four traffic lanes along the full length of the road.


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