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Parks / Outdoors 22 Jan 2019

A plan for the future of Waiheke's parks

Have your say on plans being drawn up for the future of parks on Waiheke Island.

Environment 21 Jan 2019

Stoat sleuthing reveals nothing suspicious

Sigh of relief as search for stoat comes up empty-handed

Environment 18 Jan 2019

Success for Waiheke Island's newest baby dotterel

A dotterel chick which has been at the centre of local attention has taken flight.

Community 17 Jan 2019

Auckland Council strides with Pride

Auckland has come a long way in celebrating the rainbow community, and Auckland Council is proud to be leading the way.

Community 16 Jan 2019

Waiheke Island's Mātiatia Plan underway

Increased carparking and improved transport facilities could be on the cards for an iconic section of Waiheke Island.

Pest Free 16 Jan 2019

Rat hunt underway on Rākino Island

Auckland Council is working with the Department of Conservation to search for a rodent sighted on Rākino Island.

Beaches 11 Jan 2019

How to relax and recharge in Auckland this summer

Here are four ways to get a bit of peace and quiet this summer in Auckland.

Community 10 Jan 2019

Stoat hunt underway on Great Barrier Island

Is public enemy number one on the run on Great Barrier Island?


05 Oct 2024

Pasifika Auckland: Visions Through Time

Take a breath, grab a book, and see what you can discover with Auckland Libraries this year.

05 Oct 2024

Ponsonby presents: Unity Talanoa

Experience the Pasifika journey in central Auckland first-hand – from Dawn Raids to acceptance as...

05 Oct 2024

Storytime at the Maritime

Ahoy, young explorers! On the first Saturday of every month, join us for free sessions where we d...

05 Oct 2024

Tongan indigenous knowledge showcase

Fe'unukoula Director Losalia Pusiaki Fifita leads a showcase explaining different types of attire...

05 Oct 2024

Un'Infatuazione (An Infatuation)

Join Giuseppe Gallina for an illustrated talk about the fascination for the Pacific Ocean that sp...

05 Oct 2024


Experience the Pasifika journey in central Auckland first-hand – from Dawn Raids to acceptance as...

28 Sep 2024 - 12 Oct 2024

Ponsonby presents: guided heritage walk with Edward Bennett

Join us on a tour of Ponsonby where we'll uncover the scandals, secrets, and curiosities that mak...

28 Sep 2024 - 14 Dec 2024

Repair & Share

We offer diagnosis and repair (where possible) of small electrical items, clothing and textiles,...