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Community 16 Nov 2016

Work underway on Mt Albert Town Centre upgrade

The Albert-Eden Local Board, working with Auckland Council and Auckland Transport, is investing $6.5 million into the upgrade, which will greatly enhance the town centre.

14 Nov 2016

Temporary regulations for the Navy’s 75th anniversary

The rules are to keep recreational boaties out of the way of the naval vessels, ensuring there are no collisions or security issues.

Development 14 Nov 2016

Wins for Auckland at NZ Architecture Awards

Auckland’s LightPath and Te Pātaka Kōrero o Te Hau Kapua–Devonport Library have been recognised at The 2016 New Zealand Architecture Awards.

Transport 10 Nov 2016

Dig this: CRL rig heading up Albert Street

Gomer, the nine-storey-high piling rig affectionately named after 1960s TV character Gomer Pyle, has made good progress at the Albert and Customs Street intersection.

Transport 9 Nov 2016

Dealing with dust on country roads

Auckland Transport is trialling different ways of controlling dust on rural roads.

Educational 9 Nov 2016

How Auckland Council works: A very (very) simple guide

A very simple guide to how Auckland Council works.

Arts 8 Nov 2016

Auckland Art Gallery to display work by Monet

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki has received on long-term loan its first painting by Claude Monet and will exhibit the artwork from Wednesday 9 November.

8 Nov 2016

Councillor Greg Sayers' maiden speech

Councillor Greg Sayers' maiden speech


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