A safer Henderson town centre

Last Updated : 07 Oct 2016
Henderson Town Centre

The Safer Henderson Town Centre Plan has been endorsed by Henderson-Massey Local Board, which has agreed to allocate $91,000 towards community safety initiatives.

Henderson-Massey Local Board Chairperson Vanessa Neeson says the plan shows how the Henderson community perceives town centre safety, and that local safety initiatives will make a big difference to people using the town centre. “Initiatives are a mix of short, medium and long-term strategies,” she says.

“They include making use of empty shops, setting up walking buses for preschool children and their families, a ‘Hello Henderson’ campaign that encourages people to speak more freely to each other, boosting economic activity, CCTV and getting more people to live in the Henderson town centre.

“Some initiatives will be quicker and easier to implement than others. Our next steps are to firm up the initiatives with the community and secure funding for implementation.”

Auckland Council staff and members of the community will develop detailed plans with costs for a list of community safety initiatives that – subject to funding – can be implemented in the Henderson Town Centre later this year.

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