Through the 10-year budget consultation process, many Aucklanders told us they want to see action on our city’s transport issues.
Of those Aucklanders who gave feedback on the proposed options for fixing these issues, most supported investing more to deliver the Auckland Plan Transport Network.
The preferred way to pay for this increased investment was a motorway user charge. The council will now work with central government to reach an agreement on how to raise the necessary funding.
Getting to work
To start work immediately on fixing Auckland’s transport issues, we have developed the Accelerated Transport Programme, which includes additional investment of $523 million over the next three years. The programme responds to feedback which called for more investment in public transport, particularly in busways and options for cycling and walking.
Interim Transport Levy
The increased investment will be paid for via government funding, council debt and a three-year Interim Transport Levy. The levy will form part of your rates bill and will work out at around $2 a week for residential ratepayers and about $3 a week for business ratepayers.