Auckland retains third Mercer Quality of Living spot

Publish Date : 23 Feb 2016
Building the worlds most liveable city.jpg

Auckland has maintained its position as the world’s third most liveable city in the 2016 Mercer Quality of Living survey, and is the highest ranked city in the Asia-Pacific region.

Mercer ranks Auckland third again globally behind Vienna and Zurich. The highest ranking Asia-Pacific cities after Auckland are Sydney at 10, Wellington at 12, Melbourne at 15 and Perth at 21.

Recognition of Auckland's hard yards

Auckland mayor Len Brown says that maintaining third place is “quite an achievement”.

“This is absolute recognition of the hard yards being put in as a united Auckland works to become the world’s most liveable city.

“Agreement with the government on vital transport infrastructure such as the City Rail Link and the work done through initiatives such the Auckland Housing Accord will make Auckland an even better place to live.

“However there is still much to be done and there can be no let-up if Auckland is to continue the lift its performance in the liveable city stakes.”

On track to becoming world's most liveable city

Mercer's reports provide information and recommendations for over 440 cities throughout the world; the ranking covers 230 of these cities.

Len Brown says that Auckland’s consistent high ranking in major international liveability surveys shows the world sees Auckland as a great place to live, work, visit and do business.

“It is why more than 800 people a week are moving to Auckland, putting pressure on our transport, housing and infrastructure.

“Our performance across all these shows that we are on track to reaching the number one spot of becoming the world’s most liveable city, a place where all Aucklanders can enjoy a good quality of life, where there are good business and employment opportunities, where people have real choices in housing, transport and employment.”

“One key thing that cities topping the survey all share in common is that they have formulated robust plans for their future social, physical and economic development, and are fully committing to delivering them.

“The success of this approach is clear, and Auckland is well now positioned with our Auckland Plan 30-year blueprint, the Economic Development Strategy, the Housing Strategic Action Plan and the Unitary Plan, the single rulebook replacing former district and regional plans.”

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