Upgrading your home heating still voluntary in 2016 

Publish Date : 18 Feb 2016
Upgrading your home heating still voluntary in 2016

If you’ve been told that you have to replace your fireplace or wood burner for the winter of 2016, you don’t. There is currently no ban on the use of open fireplaces or wood burners in Auckland. 

Auckland Council is concerned that some Aucklanders may have been misled about the types of heating they are allowed to use in 2016.

If you feel like you’re being pressured to upgrade your heating, we encourage you to contact the council call centre for advice on (09) 301 0101 or email airquality@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Your heating, your choice

The type of heating you use is still your choice and the most important thing this winter, is that you stay warm with heating you can afford. 

View Auckland Council's Air Quality brochure.

Chair of the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee, Calum Penrose says the council is very keen to encourage Aucklanders to use ‘clean’ heating when they can. “Where possible, clean heating is the best option for all of us. But if you do choose to burn wood, follow these simple tips to get the most out of your fire.”

Tips on getting the most from your fire

  • Buy and burn dry, aged firewood. Now is a great time for households to purchase the right kind of fire wood - stock up early and store it in a dry, well ventilated place until winter. 
  • Keep your fire burning brightly, especially when you start the fire and add new logs - this keeps the smoke to a minimum. 
  • Don’t burn wood that is painted, tanalised, treated with preservatives or impregnated with chemicals (e.g. treated building materials), as these can generate toxic substances when burnt. 
  • Don’t burn rubbish or green waste in your domestic fireplace. 
  • Where possible, burn good quality firewood rather than coal. While burning low sulphur coal (0.5 per cent or less by weight) is currently permitted in Auckland, burning coal produces more smoke and odour and 2-4 times more particulates than burning wood.

Auckland Council is continuing to work on air quality issues.  For more information go to the council’s website pages on air quality.

You can also read more about Auckland's current rules on domestic fireplaces and woodburners here.

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