Aucklanders will have more travel choice and a reliable, frequent and connected service free from congestion thanks to Auckland Transport's plan for an expanded rapid transit network.
The proposed rapid transit network includes rail, light rail and busways which are completely or mostly separate to traffic. It is high frequency, at least every 10 minutes, and offers very reliable journey times.

Above: Map of the current rapid transit network
Auckland currently has 82km of rapid transit lines (rail lines and the Northern Busway).
The long term plan is to add another 166km - an extra 41km in the first decade, a further 84km in the second decade and another 41km in the third decade of the plan.

Above: Map showing the rapid transit network in 2026
New rapid transit services are targeted at areas where a lot of residential and employment growth is planned. This includes both existing urban Auckland and areas identified as future housing and business areas – for example around Kumeu and Whenuapai, Silverdale, Drury and Pukekohe.
The aim is to connect large numbers of people with areas that will have large numbers of jobs.

Above: Map showing the rapid transit network in 2036
The rapid transit network will be connected to a network of frequent buses (at least every 15 minutes, 7am to 7pm every day) by stations that make it easy to transfer. These have already been built at Panmure and New Lynn, with new stations being built or well advanced in planning at Manukau, Otahuhu and Rosedale.

Above: Map showing the rapid transit network in 2046
Simplified fares, being introduced later this year, will make it easier and cheaper to connect between different services with an AT HOP card.
The City Rail Link is key to expanding the rapid transit network – joining up the rail network and allowing more trains to operate, more frequently with faster travel times for all of Auckland.
The timing of rolling out the rapid transit network is dependent on funding.