A new vision to help disabled Aucklanders

Publish Date : 19 Dec 2016
A new vision to help disabled Aucklanders.jpg

Local governments will play a greater role in helping disabled people to participate in their communities and achieve their goals on an equal basis as others.

That’s one of the biggest changes set out in the New Zealand Disability Strategy for 2016-2026. The strategy was recently launched after consultation with disabled people, their families, whānau and government agencies, including input and support from Auckland Council.

Easier accessibility to places, services and information

“As the organisation responsible for so many facilities, services and infrastructure across Auckland, our role is more than one of advocacy,” says Auckland Council Specialist Advisor Community Empowerment Martine Abel.

“The new strategy gives us a greater mandate to influence and regulate the kind of changes that will help disabled people reach their full potential.”

Easier accessibility to places, services and information is one of the strategy’s eight goals and one that the council can help to achieve in building and streetscape design, communications and customer service.

Involving disabled people in the design of our city

“It’s vital and cost-effective for us to involve disabled people and their perspectives in whatever we design from the beginning,” Martine says. “That’s the best and most practical way to remove the barriers and make our city more inclusive.”

Aucklanders with disabilities must still be able to contribute socially and economically so barriers that prevent this, such as attitudes and employment practices, are among the other outcomes envisioned in the strategy.

The strategy is aligned with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Treaty of Waitangi and council-wide disabled action plan.

Get more information

More information about the strategy and its eight outcomes is available on the Office of Disability Issues website.

You can also read and download the Strategy in a range of accessible formats or order a copy in standard, large print, audio, EasyRead and Braille formats by emailing odi@msd.govt.nz

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