Auckland Transport is looking at ways to improve travel reliability on Lake Road on the North Shore.
Unpredictable travel times
At the moment there is no consistency in travel times along this vital route and on a bad day it can take up to 60 minutes to go six kilometres. Lake Road is the only road linking Takapuna and Devonport and on average 32,000 vehicles use it each day.
Daniel Newcombe, AT City Centre and RTN Initiatives Manager says the community has long raised concerns about the unpredictability of travelling on Lake Road, not just during the morning and afternoon peak but also at the weekend.
“We want to understand the community’s preferences, including the appropriate level of investment, to help develop a viable business case.”
Mr Newcombe says Auckland Transport’s research shows that a large number of trips on Lake Road are short local trips within the peninsula. “We need to look at alternatives to the car for these short trips, some could be done on local buses or by walking or cycling.”
Proposed approach
The proposed approach is to use a mix of new transit lanes (for higher occupancy vehicles and public transport), walking and cycling facilities and technology improvements.
Auckland Transport is also looking at changing the existing bus lane on Esmonde Road to a transit lane; this would give easier access to the motorway for high occupancy vehicles.
“We want to support this with improved bus and ferry services within the peninsula, plus there are technology changes we can use. We need to get better travel information to people before they head out, through promotion of improved smartphone apps which would have rideshare information and electronic roadside signs.”
Mr Newcombe says AT will continue to work with larger organisations, such as the navy and the local schools, on travel planning to help reduce the need for car trips within the peninsula.
Community feedback
Consultation will start soon. Get more information at