Shore Junction youth hub takes shape

Publish Date : 13 Jun 2017
Shore Junction youth hub takes shape 1

Work to transform the Takapuna RSA building into a youth innovation hub is underway.

In 2016, Devonport-Takapuna Local Board awarded the building’s lease to the Yes organisation – a non-profit youth group – and provided a $123,000 grant to help with development.

A steering committee was formed and the Yes team has been working with YOUNITE (Devonport-Takapuna Youth Board) on the building’s makeover, programme offerings and technology requirements.

The building’s interior was demolished last year and new wiring, insulation and walls were installed.

Designs approved

In January, the centre’s name – Shore Junction – was agreed, and the first draft design from the selected architect arrived for review. This design included spaces for a recording studio, lecture theatre, computer and engineering labs, art rooms exercise spaces, library, drama studio and space for study, reading and relaxing.  

In May, design plans were finalised for local board approval and for council resource and building consent approval.

“Shore Junction will become a centre for technology, enterprise, science, engineering, maths, community, arts and culture,” says YES chief executive Sonia Thursby.

“The new hub will support the growth and development of our young people so they can explore and realise their potential.”

'Girls Who Code'

“We are working through what programmes are most valuable to our young people. One exciting option being considered is opening this country’s first branch of ‘Girls Who Code’ - an American programme that teaches programming, website design and robotics gaming to girls to help them enter the tech industry.”

Devonport-Takapuna Local Board member Jennifer McKenzie says the future just got brighter for Generation Z on the shore.   

“We’re excited to be working with Yes and our youth board to enable these opportunities for our young people.

Find out more about Shore Junction and get involved



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