Four easy ways you can reduce waste

Last Updated : 31 Oct 2017

Whether you want to save the planet or save money on rubbish disposal, reducing the amount of waste you produce is a worthwhile thing.

Here are four easy tips that'll make a big difference.

Recycle right

Keep a box or bag in the kitchen to store your recycling before you take it out to the bin. And if you’re unsure of what can go in the recycling bin – look under the lid! 

Separate your soft plastics

These aren't able to be recycled in your recycling bin, so keep a reusable bag in the kitchen and pop in any plastic that can easily scrunch up in your hand.

This includes bread bags, chip packets, pasta and rice packets, and toilet paper wrapping. These can be recycled at most supermarkets.

Put your food scraps to work

Did you know the average rubbish bin contains 45 per cent food scraps? Auckland Council funds free compost courses that will show you how to turn unavoidable food scraps like banana peels and potato skins into useful garden fertiliser. Find out more at Compost Collective.

We also know that 20 per cent of food waste is avoidable. One of the simplest ways to prevent avoidable food waste is to plan your meals ahead and only shop for what’s on the list.

Say no to plastic bags

Invest in a strong reusable bag – this can even save you money at the checkout at some stores.

For more tips on reducing waste, visit Make the Most of Waste

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