Parking changes are coming to Matiatia on Waiheke Island.
Parking in the area around the island’s ferry terminal has long been a concern, with spaces locked up by people leaving vehicles for long periods and drivers frequently ignoring restrictions or using disability spaces.
Auckland Transport wants the changes in place ahead of the peak summer visitor season and says they will help to ease demand pressure while the Matiatia Plan is being completed and funding sourced for longer-term improvements.
The upcoming changes increase parking in the area from 549 to 588 spaces and alter time limits and charges.
Auckland Transport parking services and enforcement group manager John Strawbridge says Matiatia needs cleaning up.
“We want to make it easier for everyone to find a space in the main car park, including those who qualify for disabled parking,” he says.
Six more disabled parks set to be added and AT is investigating a maximum stay of one day to prevent long-term parking.
Waiheke Local Board chair Cath Handley says the board and AT will also fund cameras for the area after a spate of vandalism.
“The board has been asking for CCTV and improvements of mobility card holders for some time, so we happy to support these changes through our transport capital fund.”
The board and AT have been working on a long-term plan for the area.
“We have a commitment of $15-million to support transport improvements at Matiatia and Owhanake, and these changes are part of moving the community towards changing behaviours,” Ms Handley says.
AT has also been talking to transport operators, encouraging them to use 30-minute zones for passenger pick-ups and drop-offs.
“That change would remove small passenger vehicles from immediately outside the terminal, reducing congestion and making the area safer,” Mr Strawbridge says.
Proposed Parking Changes
Significant changes will see seven-day parking replaced by a 24-hour maximum stay, the $3-a-day 24-hour maximum charge increased to $6, and six mobility spaces added to create a total of 20, all restricted to 24 hours.
The changes also mean 20 mobility spaces, 24 P30 spaces, 204 24-hour slots at $6 and 108 spaces at $3, and two P180 mooring-holder-only spaces will be available. There is also space planned for five motorcycles.
A location to the east of the Matiatia car park, previously leased to a car rental company, will be configured to take 35 vehicles in a $3 24-hour zone.
Ocean View Road’s six 24-hour spaces on the southern kerb will attract a $6 charge, while the 10 spaces currently limited to six hours and the 48 restricted to 24 hours all become $3 a day with a 24-hour maximum. A bus parking area is also proposed to accommodate overflow.
The nearby Owhanake car park will also be reconfigured for angle parking to lift capacity to 130 spaces with a 48-hour maximum.