Swimmers will be able to enjoy the Parnell Baths from 1 December until the end of April.
The baths, much-loved since they first opened in 1914, have been closed while work was carried out to improve the pool filtration system.
The dated system caused water loss and pool closures over the last few years. But since May the entire concourse has been lifted so various equipment renewals could take place.
The complex nature of the work caused some delays and the pools will now open on Saturday 1 December, two weeks later than usual. The pools will remain open until Sunday 28 April, three weeks later than normal.
Auckland Council regional aquatic facilities manager Gwyn De-Arth says that, because most of the work is under the renewed concourse, pool users won’t see much change.
“It has been a huge job that has not been without its challenges, but when the first splash happens it will all have been worthwhile.”