Rats running riot – pest control tips ahead of winter

Last Updated : 24 Aug 2018
Rat war
Auckland Council

Auckland Council and around 900 community groups across the region are fighting back against pests who are a constant threat to our biodiversity and environment.

A recent review of the 21 local boards revealed rats are at the top of the list of pests in all areas, while possums and stoats are more prominent in rural areas.

The mild, humid autumn has created the perfect breeding ground for mice and rats this year. If nothing is done, more of them will arrive on our doorsteps looking for food and shelter as winter approaches. 

Tips for pest control

Controlling them in the urban environment is easier if traps are baited with attractive food options like peanut butter and hazelnut spread. Be careful to place the traps somewhere that would prevent non-target animals from being caught.

The best places to catch those pests are at the back of garages, near compost bins and in shaded areas of the garden. If you’re after the pesky possum, traps should be baited with fruit.

For rural landowners wanting to control rats and possums around their properties, a combination of careful regular poisoning and trapping will deal with them. Stoats are best controlled with DOC200 traps.

Visit Auckland Council's website for more information on how to control these and other pest animals in the Auckland region.

Pest plants

Pest plants are not exempt; they’ve gone wild in these autumn conditions and it’s time to trim their stint in the ground.

Of the weed variety, the moth plant tops the list followed by woolly nightshade and blue morning glory in urban areas while privet leads the way in the rural areas.

Find out how to control these pest plants can be found on Plantsearch.

For more information on pest plant or animal control this winter, visit Pest Free Auckland or email biosecurity@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

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