Check out the Auckland Heritage Festival Programme, with events running from 5 to 28 October. To help you pick out a few events to attend, we’ve put together the Auckland Heritage Festival Diary so you can take a look at some of the highlights for week three.
Māoritecture talk: Marae in the city centre

When: Sunday 20 October, 2pm - 4.30pm
Where: Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae, 69 Wellesley Street East and corner of St Paul Street , Auckland Central
Cost: Free, bookings required
Celebrate the journey and future of our architectural identity and the whare whakairo (carved meeting house) that is seen as synonymous with Māori architecture.
Join Robin Walters, Dr Deirdre Brown and other guests for korero about the innovative and traditional design features of our two wharenui taonga in the city centre: Tānenuiarangi at Waipapa Marae and Te Pūrengi at Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae.
Arrive before 2pm at Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae inside the Wharenui (Te Pūrengi) to be seated for a mihi whakatau.
For more information, visit the Auckland Heritage Festival website.
Sir Ed's Antarctica: open house at Hillary House

When: Sunday 20 October, 10am - 3pm
Where: Hillary House Leadership Centre, 2 Franklyne Rd, Ōtara
Cost: Free, no booking required
Join us to tour the house and see photographs of Sir Edmund Hillary in Antarctica.
Hillary House was opened in 2001 at Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate, Ōtara. The association with Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate began when Sir Ed lent his name to the school in 1983.
This event enables people to reflect on Sir Ed's legacy, journeys of exploration, science and climate change.
For more information, visit the Auckland Heritage Festival website.
Confessions of yesteryear

When: Monday 21, Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 October, 10am - 2pm
Where: St Kevin's Arcade, 183 Karangahape Rd, Auckland Central
Cost: Free, no booking required
Do you have old stories about people, places or events in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland?
Do you have old photos or drawings of Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland?
So many of these are lying undiscovered and unshared.
Confessions of Yesteryear is your opportunity to share your stories, photos and drawings and keep this history alive.
Seclude yourself inside our confessional booth and we'll record you telling your story. We'll also digitally copy your photos and drawings so everyone can learn more about our history.
There will be prizes for the best stories, photos or drawings! Categories: 1860 - 1910; 1911 - 1945; 1946 - 1975; 1976 - 2000.
For more information, visit the Auckland Heritage Festival website.
1842: The arrivals

When: Saturday 19 October, 10.30am - 12.30pm
Where: Shed Ten, Queen's Wharf, Quay St, Auckland Central
- Adults $10
- Children/Seniors/Students $5
- No Eftpos, please bring cash
- No booking required
In 1842 the ship, the Jane Gifford, arrived in Auckland full to the gunnels with settlers from Scotland.
In this semi-dramatised walk, Alex Bonham takes the role of Eliza Post, the wife of a naval officer.
Put yourself in the shoes of the settlers as Eliza takes you around the settlement as it was then.
She will give advice on managing day to day and reveals what was going on in Auckland at that time.
For more information, visit the Auckland Heritage Festival website.
All at sea: meet the villagers

When: Saturday 19 October, 10am - 5pm
Where: Howick Historical Village, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Bells Rd, Pakuranga
Cost: See the Howick Historical Village website for ticket pricing. No booking required.
Join us as our Living Museum bursts into life with costumed villagers going about their day to day life as it was in the 19th Century.
Find out about life as a Fencible soldier. Listen to their stories as they arrived at Howick Beach and start to make their new home. See first-hand the challenges they faced.
There will be informal performances throughout the day.
For more information, visit the Auckland Heritage Festival website.
Map your journey: genealogy workshop

When: Saturday 19 October, 10am - 1pm
Where: Te Manawa, 11 Kohuhu Ln, Westgate
Cost: Free, bookings required
Come to Te Manawa and speak with our research specialist from Auckland Libraries. Learn tips and tricks for starting your own family tree journey.
For more information, visit the Auckland Heritage Festival website.