Board Tall Ships and Waka at Tuia 250 ki Tamaki Makaurau

Last Updated : 23 Sep 2019
Auckland Heritage Festival embraces our journeys (3)

Come to the city's edge on Labour Weekend and be part of our maritime history at Tuia 250 ki Tāmaki Makaurau.

Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage is leading the Tuia 250 Voyage, a flotilla of six vessels: two waka hourua (double-hulled canoes), a va'a moana from Tahiti and three tall ships, sailing around the country. It's part of New Zealand commemorations of the first onshore encounters between Māori and Pākehā, when HMB Endeavour arrived in Tūranga / Gisborne 250 years ago. The national commemoration is called Tuia - Encounters 250.

While the HMB Endeavour didn't enter the Waitematā Harbour 250 years ago, or land here, the City of Sails is welcoming the flotilla into our harbour on Friday 25 October. Tuia 250 ki Tāmaki Makaurau will see Auckland Council team up with Tāmaki Paenga Hira Auckland War Memorial Museum and New Zealand Maritime Museum Hui Te Ananui A Tangaroa to host a line-up of events for Aucklanders to enjoy in support of the historic flotilla's arrival.

We invite everyone to join this arrival either out on the water or at the harbour's edge on Friday 25 October, before a feast of commemorative happenings unfolds. Don't miss Te Tangi o Te Moana - Sounds of the Sea bringing music, dance and kōrerō to the city's waterfront, meet some of the crews aboard the flotilla's heritage vessels and enjoy a feast of art, performance, tasty kai and history - on offer all Labour Weekend.

Learn about the courage, resilience and skill of our extraordinary Polynesian voyagers who were first in the world to develop blue water sailing while navigating the world's largest ocean many centuries ago. 

Check out OurAuckland for the full list of events at Tuia 250 ki Tāmaki Makaurau.

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