Safe, healthy and warm marae in Tāmaki Makaurau

Publish Date : 13 Sep 2019
Safe, healthy and warm marae in Tāmaki Makaurau

Auckland Council has announced a $60m programme dedicated to improving the condition of 32 marae across the region. The Marae Infrastructure Programme supports marae in Tāmaki Makaurau as safe and healthy spaces for whānau.

Speaking after a recent presentation to the council’s Environment and Community Committee, Chair, Councillor Penny Hulse stated:

“Marae are important hubs both for Māori and the wider community. They are focal points for social, economic and cultural leadership, and provide opportunities to strengthen whānau connections.”

In 2014, the council commissioned a report assessing the condition of qualifying marae buildings across the region, which highlighted significant challenges faced by mana whenua and mataawaka marae. The Marae Infrastructure Programme will focus on repair, maintenance and upgrade works to marae facilities, which include wharenui, wharekai and wharepaku.

“This programme is unique not only in its focus of improving marae, but also in its strategic intent of enabling marae to be self-sustainable and thriving spaces within their communities. We want a partnership approach that leaves a legacy for generations to come," Councillor Hulse says.

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