Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board awards more than $117,000 in grants

Publish Date : 01 Oct 2019

The Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board has awarded more than $117,000 in the first round of local and capital grants for the 2019/2020 financial year.

A bird survey, solar panels, a water system upgrade and fuel costs for the Coastguard are among the board’s decisions.

The successful applicants were:

  • The Hirakimata bird survey was awarded more than $14,000. This will be the first quality survey of birds at Hirakimata and can form a base for all subsequent surveys in the future.
  • More than $21,000 has been given to the Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust on behalf of the Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision Group. This will help towards community led biodiversity protection and restoration.
  • The Orama Christian Trust was awarded more than $3300 towards their rates bill.
  • The Sports Club was given more than $2000 for this year’s Guy Fawkes display and Santa Parade and $3400 towards their rates bill.
  • The Aotea Ora Community Trust has been awarded almost $18,000 towards the 2020 ‘Off the Grid’ event.

The Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board has also made funding decisions for the 2019/2020 financial year’s capital grants. These grants included:

  • Around $8,500 towards the cost of repairing the damage to the sanctuary perimeter fence for the Kotuku Peninsula Charitable Trust
  • $9000 towards phase two of a water system upgrade at the Social Club.
  • The Great Barrier Island Coastguard was awarded $10,000 towards the gangway and fuel costs for their rescue vessel
  • $13,000 has been awarded to the Orama Christian Trust’s solar panel and battery upgrades.
  • There will also be $40,000 going towards the Golf Club’s toilet block upgrade
  • Aotea Community Radio Trust received more than $37,000 towards radio equipment and facilities.

Full details are below:


Requesting funding for

Board’s decision

Aotea / Great Barrier Local Grants, Round One 2019/2020 grant applications

Windy Hill Rosalie bay Catchment

Towards the cost of the Hirakimata bird survey.


Tamar Warwick

Towards costs of promotional  materials for the on-island cancer care fundraising event.


Great Barrier Island Sports and Social Club Incorporated

Towards the 2019 Guy Fawkes display and Santa Parade.


Orama Christian Trust

Towards 2019/2020 rates for the trust.


Great Barrier Island Community Health Trust

Towards the 2019 “Spectacular by Nature - Garden Tour”.


Great Barrier Island Sports and Social Club Incorporated

Towards the 2019/2020 rates bill for the social club


Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust

Towards new signage for the Gray House Museum.


Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust on behalf of the Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision Group

Towards community-led biodiversity protection and restoration undertaken by the Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision Group


Aotea Ora Community Trust

Towards the 2020 “Off The Grid” event.





Aotea / Great Barrier Capital Grants, Round One 2019/2020 grant applications


Requesting funding for

Board’s decision

Kotuku Peninsular Charitable Trust

Towards the costs of repairing the damage to the sanctuary perimeter fence.


Barrier Social Club Incorporated

Towards phase two of the water system upgrade.


Great Barrier Island Coastguard Rescue Incorporated

Towards the gangway and fuel costs for the rescue vessel.


Orama Christian Trust

Towards solar panel and battery upgrades for the trust.

$13,150.00 contribution towards solar panel

Great Barrier Island Golf Club Incorporated

Towards the golf club toilet block upgrade project.


Aotea Community Radio Trust

Towards an upgrade of the Aotea Community Radio equipment and facilities upgrade.






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