Auckland is heading into its summer storm season, with increased moisture and warmth over the coming months usually resulting in increased storm activity across the region.
“In recent years summer storms have come in quickly and violently, bringing big dumps of rain and strong winds over a relatively short period,” Auckland Emergency Management Acting General Manager Sarah Sinclair says.
“The intensity of summer storms can result in significant damage to property, so now is the time to prepare your place with some easy maintenance and planning.”
Sarah encourages Aucklanders to take some time over the next few weekends to do little jobs like clearing gutters, checking drains and taking stock of what around your house should be covered, stored or tied down during a storm.
“We want Aucklanders to have a safe and relaxing holiday season and a little pre-planning and maintenance can make all the difference.”

Auckland Emergency Management has some simple tips for making your place ready for summer storms:
- Be prepared – pay attention to weather forecasts, plan your travel around them and prepare yourself before the storm hits
- Make a plan – make sure family, friends and flatmates know where to meet or what you’ll do in case of emergency
- Fix any loose tiles on your roof, and any loose fence panels
- Clear gutters and drains on your property, check trees for weak branches and bring the cat/dog/rabbit (or any other pets) inside
- Have torches and batteries, a full gas bottle for your bbq and a battery-operated radio ready if the power goes out
- If you need power to pump water or operate septic systems, have an alternate plan in place if the power goes out
- If it is isolated where you live or you may get cut off, make sure you’ve got everything you need to keep going for a day or two and let us know if you need help (phone 0800 22 22 00)
- Check on neighbours, especially those that are elderly or vulnerable and if you can’t help, alert emergency services
- If out and about, never drive through floodwaters and always drive to the conditions
- If your property is at risk or your life is in danger, always dial 111 immediately
- Report fallen trees, blocked drains or debris on public property to Auckland Council on 09 301 0101.
Follow Auckland Emergency Management on Twitter (@AucklandCDEM), on Facebook (@aklcdem) or visit the website.