New trail to link Clevedon and Kaiaua

Economic opportunities created

Last Updated : 14 Feb 2020
New trail to link Clevedon and Kaiaua

A new walking and cycling trail that will link Clevedon to Kaiaua could open business opportunities for the area.

The Hūnua Trail will link the two villages over a 44-kilometre walking and cycling trail on existing tracks and Watercare roads.

Franklin Local Board has led the charge for the trail, forging a partnership with Watercare, Auckland Regional Parks, mana whenua and business.

Board deputy chair and Clevedon resident Angela Fulljames says businesses and individuals need to prepare to make the most of the opportunities the trail will bring.

“The board hasn’t championed this because it’s a nice to have, it’s because it has the capacity to bring economic benefit to the area in terms of tourism and the businesses that support it.”

The Clevedon and Coast Business Association’s Victoria Richards says it’s impossible to know how many visitors would be attracted by a route through the Hūnua Ranges and on to Kaiaua.

“It will be possible to walk the track over three days using huts as overnight accommodation, and to cycle it in one hit, and that means people will be attracted to the area, which in turn opens up opportunities for business.

“It’s possible visitors will want accommodation, they’ll need food, petrol, bike maintenance and repair services, and of course visitors might well stay on and see other attractions.”

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The business community is being asked to engage with the board and stakeholders at Hallertau at 6pm on 17 February, and the wider community will get its chance to have input at a community event at the Clevedon District Centre on 14 March from 11am to 2pm.

“It’s critical that as many people as possible get involved because it’s one of the most exciting opportunities the area has seen for some time,” Ms Fulljames says.

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