Funds available for Manurewa young people

Funds available for Manurewa young people

Last Updated : 05 Oct 2020
Funds available for Manurewa young people
Harleen Bhatal, second fron left in the front row, with her fellow exchange students. 
Funds available for Manurewa young people (2)
Harleen joined Japanese students in the classroom.

Manurewa student Harleen Bhathal says winning a Rangatahi Youth Scholarship was a life-changing experience.

Manurewa Local Board opened applications for this year’s scholarships as Harleen told members the money she got helped fund her AUT Japanese Exchange Programme flights.

“I am so grateful because it changed my life for the better, leaving me with lifelong friends.”

Paired with the Saito family, she attended Minamitama Secondary, where she was exposed to school life, martial arts, the shamisen musical instrument, and with other international students, the Sado - a sacred tea ceremony.

“Sado is only given to people of importance so it was an honour to be given such a sacred opportunity.”

But it wasn’t all schooling. “We were exposed to street culture, to temples and other beautiful Japanese architecture, and history at the Edo Museum, which helped with my history assessments on World War Two and war in the Pacific.”

Funds available for Manurewa young people (1)
Participating in martial arts training.

She says the opportunity would have been impossible without one of the 16 Rangatahi Youth Scholarships awarded last year.

Board chair Joseph Allan says it’s a pleasure to support young people and acknowledged the Manurewa Youth Council for its participation on the panel.

The scholarships are open again this year, though because of Covid-19 restrictions, only to opportunities within New Zealand.

“It’s brilliant to hear how much the opportunities the programme opens up for our rangatahi mean to them.

“We hope a new round of applicants can access opportunities that will equip them for the modern world and arm them with the skills to become leaders in their communities.”

Anyone aged between 14-24 who lives in the Manurewa Local Board area can apply for a grant for:

  • Study at a tertiary, trades or vocational training institution in 2021
  • coaching, mentoring, learning and development opportunities
  • leadership potential courses
  • conference or events in New Zealand based on youth leadership and devlopment.

For more information contact Gloria.wilton@aucklandcouncil.govt,.nz or go online here.

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