Young sports talent recognised in Manurewa

Manurewa's rising stars hailed

Publish Date : 21 Oct 2020
Young sports talent recognised in Manurewa (1)
Board chair Joseph Allan with the official of the year, hockey's Rowen Cropper.

Schools and sports team coaches are being encouraged to put their young people forward for recognition in the Manurewa Junior Sports Awards.

Manurewa Local Board is one of the annual event’s sponsors, and chair Joseph Allan wants more groups to take part.

“Every year we see some wonderfully talented rangatahi involved in a range of sports, and they are invariably fine young people.

“They might be budding sports stars, but it is also interesting how many are also being recognised for giving their own time back as coaches and officials.

“It’s clear that the things we value about sport, the participation, the membership of a team, the commitment to training and supporting your teammates and friends, and instilling a sense of fair play, are all being passed on.

“That’s evidenced by how many of the nominees were put forward not only for their achievements, but for showing leadership, a commitment to fair play, and sportsmanship.”

A diverse range of sports featured in nominations at the just completed 2020 awards, boxing, BMX, baseball, underwater hockey and jiu-jitsu all put forward, with both U19 winners representing water polo, as did the top team of the year, Mountfort Park’s U14 girls Toki.

Under 13 boys’ winner, athlete Justice Pua, made it back-to-back titles, having won the same award in 2019.

“The board will be involved in the awards with Counties-Manukau Sport again in 2021 and we’d urge all sporting groups to put their rangatahi forward. Being nominated shows our young people we recognise their talents, that we support them and that we want them involved in healthy activities.

“We can never praise our young ones enough.”

2020 Winners:

U19s: Jessica Ingram, water polo; Campbell Hulbert, water polo.

U16s: Amber Murphy-Gillies, boxing; Billy Baice, rugby, sevens, league.

​​​​​​​U13s: Ashleigh Tuumaialu, multiple sports; Justice Pua, athletics.

Team: Mountfort Park water polo U14 girls' Toki.

Official: Rowen Cropper, hockey.

Coach: Junior Peilua, sevens, rugby, league.

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