West Aucklanders urged to have their say on the budget

Publish Date : 22 Feb 2021
West Aucklanders urged to have their say on the budget

Waitākere ward Councillors Shane Henderson and Linda Cooper say they need to hear West Aucklanders views on important topics that will shape the future of the West.

Auckland Council’s proposed Recovery Budget opened for public consultation this week and communities in West Auckland are being urged to have their say.

The 10-year Budget sets out the activities, services and investments that council will undertake to help Auckland to build back better.


For West Auckland, improved infrastructure and facilities, a secure water supply and responding to the challenges of climate change are especially relevant.

Both councillors have heard the calls from West Aucklanders to provide a North West swimming pool facility and they are working hard to make this happen.

“Late last year, the council recommended up to $250,000 for consideration as part of the 10-year Budget for funding towards a business case for an aquatic centre in the North West. There’s a really clear need for this community facility and this budget will ensure that the project keeps moving forward,” says Councillor Cooper.  

“We hope that the West Aucklanders will continue to show strong support for this crucial project and let their views be known during the consultation.”


The Recovery budget includes plans to stimulate the economy and help people and businesses bounce-back from the impact of COVID-19, says Deputy Chair of Finance and Performance Committee Councillor Shane Henderson.

“The council has an important role to play in the region’s economic recovery,” he says.

“Despite an expected shortfall in revenue of $540 million between now and 2024, plans to continue to invest strongly in infrastructure will create jobs as well as valuable long-term assets for future generations,” he says.

“At the same time council will be committed to prudent management of our finances and a continued focus on savings, while maintaining the essential services that Aucklanders rely on.”

Water resilience

Improving the resilience of Auckland’s water is a budget priority for the council.

An extra $145m has been earmarked in the next three years for Watercare to improve water infrastructure and increase supply.

“We brought forward capital investment of $224 million in new water infrastructure in the 2020 Emergency Budget, and now we are taking a further next step to ensure the resilience of Auckland’s water supply. This is critical given our changing weather patterns.” says Watercare liaison Councillor Linda Cooper.

Protecting the environment and responding to climate change is a budget priority, says Councillor Henderson.

“The budget proposal includes $150 million to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

“With so many important topics and priorities up for consultation, this budget will significantly impact many lives.

“We need to get it right, and to do that we need to hear from our communities. I can’t stress how important it is to make your voice heard and have your say.”

Have your say

Visit akhaveyoursay.co.nz to have your say by 22 March.

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