As the region embraces Alert Level 3, Auckland Council is asking Aucklanders to follow the rules and stay local to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says, “While Level 3 will be a relief for Aucklanders, please remember that COVID-19 is still out there, so we need to play it safe.
“The end of Level 4 is not the end of lockdown. Please follow the rules of Level 3, keep your bubbles small and continue to follow good health practices.
“In particular, if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, or were at a location of interest at the specified time, immediately self-isolate and get tested. And if you haven’t been vaccinated yet, make it a priority and get it done today.”
What you can and can’t do at Alert Level 3
Under Alert Level 3, Auckland Council facilities such as libraries, pools and leisure centres, playgrounds and basketball courts will remain closed. You should continue to exercise alone, or with those in your bubble, and stay off outdoor equipment.
“Alert Level 3 is not Alert Level ‘Free’,” says Councillor Alf Filipaina, Chair of the Auckland Council’s Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee.
“Although we are allowed to do more activities, like swimming and tramping, we still need to take care. Don’t go out and do potentially dangerous activities like mountain biking and surfing if you have never done these before. If you were to need rescuing or medical care, it puts our first responders at risk.
“We also need to stick to our bubbles. Don’t invite your mates to go surfing with you, and don’t organise a game of touch rugby at your local field or basketball at your local court. These rules are in place for a reason, to keep our whānau, aiga (family) and communities safe. Aucklanders have done a great job so far, and if we continue to stick to the rules, we can get back to the activities we enjoy sooner.
“And if you’re not sure what you can and can’t do under Alert Level 3, visit the COVID-19 website.”
Stay local
Waitākere Ward Councillor Linda Cooper says, “We know that the shift back down alert levels will be welcome news for Aucklanders. It has been a tough five weeks under Alert Level 4, and I know many of us will be excited for the few extra freedoms that Alert Level 3 brings.
“But the battle isn’t over, and we need to continue to stay home as much as possible to stop Delta spreading so we can get back down to Alert Level 2, and a further sense of normality, as soon as possible.
“With the warmer weather we’ve been enjoying, we know people have been tempted to come and enjoy our west coast beaches, but we ask that for now, unless you live nearby, please stay away. Follow public health advice and stay in your local area so we can keep COVID-19 contained and stamp it out once again.”
Need to know at Alert Level 3
- Public toilets – around 250 public toilets will be open (the 150 new sites will open over the next few days). These toilets are for people using key transport and freight routes, and for those carrying out essential work and travel. A full list of public toilets open at Alert Level 3 can be found on OurAuckland
- Regional parks – generally, gates remain closed with pedestrian access for those whose regional park is their local park. Mountain biking and horse-riding access where permitted.
- Dog walking – consider walking your dog on a leash so you can keep a safe distance from others.
- Playgrounds, pump tracks and skate parks – all remain closed.
- Boating – boat ramps remain closed and boating is still not permitted.
- Cemeteries – funeral and tangihanga services remain limited, up to 10 people can attend a funeral, tangihanga or burial. Walk-in access to cemeteries is ok.
- Mowing and maintenance – will start to resume within the alert level restrictions and with priority placed on the upkeep of valuable assets like sports fields and high-use areas.
- Waste collection – normal kerbside collections continue and bin tags will be removed (in areas where bin tags are used).
- Transfer stations – open to the public with restricted services and cashless payment.
- Inorganic collections – these resume and rescheduling of collections postponed at Alert Level 4 is underway.
- Community recycling centres – some are open with restricted services and cashless payment.
- Regulatory services can restart site visits and inspections.
For a full list of the services that are and aren’t available during Alert Level 3, please visit the Auckland Council website.