COVID-19 in Auckland
Read below for updates on COVID-19 in the Auckland region and news about council services and support.
For full information on Auckland Council facility closures, visit aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/covid-19
News20 Results

Upcoming changes to COVID-19 restrictions at Auckland Council facilities following traffic light announcement
Face masks no longer required at Auckland Council facilities from Tuesday 13 September.

Council updates vaccination approach and requirements
Vaccine passes are not needed at council sites and facilities from 5 April. Masks, physical distancing and staying home when sick are still vital.

Council reviews approach to vaccination for staff
With traffic light and mandate changes coming, we're reviewing our vaccination policies.

Changes to our vaccination approach
Government changes to the Red settings under the COVID-19 Protection Framework effects some of our sites and services. Updated guidance will be available on our website from 11.59pm on Friday 25 March.

Building consent services impacted by Omicron
Omicron is affecting some aspects of our building consents work, requiring us to adapt and prioritise.

Check before you go
Visit our website for daily updates on adjustments to services or facility closures due to Omicron.

Vaccination for children: Local board chair urges parents to make science-based decision
Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Chair Apulu Reece Autagavaia is urging parents to talk to medical experts and learn more about vaccination for children.

Auckland Council agrees vaccination policy for contractors
Auckland Council has agreed its vaccination policy for contractors working for or on behalf of the council.