Tsunami siren testing on hold

Last Updated : 20 Sep 2021
Tsuami siren 1

Auckland Emergency Management’s (AEM) scheduled six-monthly public alerting tests of the Auckland tsunami siren network will not occur this upcoming daylight savings due to the COVID-19 Alert Level. This also includes testing of the red cross hazard app and the AEM messaging subscription service.

AEM staff are unable to carry out the pre-testing requirements for the sirens under the public health guidelines for COVID-19.

“We continue to remotely monitor all public alerting systems daily and will check physical equipment is functioning correctly once COVID-19 restrictions allow,” says Auckland Emergency Management General Manager, Kate Crawford.

Our next full Daylight Savings tsunami siren and public alerting testing is scheduled for Sunday 3 April 2022.

Additional preparation

In the meantime, now is a great opportunity for you and your whanau to get ready for an emergency by preparing a grab bag, making an emergency plan, knowing your evacuation zones and familiarising yourself with the Auckland Emergency Management website.

To find out if you are in a tsunami evacuation zone check out AEM’s hazards viewer.

Just a reminder the tsunami sirens are one of many ways you can be alerted of a tsunami event in Auckland. Alongside these sirens, an emergency mobile alert will be pushed out to all capable cell phones. You can also download the Red Cross Hazard App and subscribe to AEM Emergency Alerts.

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