Franklin Local Board member Lance Gedge resigns

Publish Date : 13 Oct 2021
Lance With Wairoa Reps
Lance Gedge, right, with fellow Franklin Local Board Wairoa subdivision representatives Malcolm Bell and Angela Fulljames at the opening of the Kahawairahi Drive Reserve Playground.

Franklin Local Board Wairoa subdivision member Lance Gedge has resigned effective 12 October.

Board chair Andy Baker says any Auckland Council local board member resignation within 12 months of a scheduled election means a by-election is not required. The Local Government Act allows the board to replace for the remainder of the term or operate with a vacancy.

First elected in 2010 as a member of the inaugural local board after being a part of the Clevedon Community Board, Gedge took time out to concentrate on his business and young family in 2013, returning to the board in 2019.

“Lance did not want to delay until the next business meeting or the end of the month, which would have allowed him the chance to make a valedictory speech, but preferred to leave quietly, a decision all on the board respect,” Baker says.

He says the advent of COVID-19 had seen a surge in the demands on his business, that coupled with family health issues, meant he could not devote as much time to board affairs as he wanted.

Baker says Lance should be recognised for his willingness to stand for election and his contribution to the council, where he was a quiet but passionate contributor invested in getting the best for his area.

“Lance did what he could under some challenging circumstances and was always able to positively contribute to how we work as a team.”

Gedge says it was a pleasure to serve his community. “It’s one I am greatly passionate about, but business commitments make it impossible to do that as well as I would like, so it’s time to step aside.

“The Wairoa community is a growing one facing many challenges and the people elected to represent it will, I believe, continue to do a fine job bringing the area’s concerns to the table.”

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