Auckland Council’s Disability Advisory Panel: Kramer Hoeflich

Publish Date : 01 Dec 2021

Friday 3 December is the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In the lead up to the day and to celebrate this year’s theme of fighting for rights in the post-COVID era, we’re profiling members of Auckland Council’s Disability Advisory Panel.

The panel members are proactive in advocating for those with disabilities, including identifying issues that are important to people with disabilities, providing advice on Auckland Council’s regional strategies, policies and plans, and helping us effectively engage with people with disabilities.

Kramer Hoeflich

Member of the Disability Advisory Panel

Kramer Hoeflich was born and raised in the Cook Islands on the island of Rarotonga. When he was 15, a spinal cord injury changed his life and brought him to New Zealand. He has faced many challenges and overcome a lot of barriers to become the person he is today. This helped him discover a passion to work alongside young people of all abilities, cultures and backgrounds, to make a difference within the community. Kramer has a strong focus on equality, inclusion and diversity, which is reflected in the projects, events and boards is involved with. He is currently a team leader at Vaka Tautua and is a strong voice for both the Pasifika and disability sectors. Kramer's ultimate goal is to lead from the front and become Minister for Disability Issues.

Prior to joining the Disability Panel, Kramer was on the Youth Advisory Panel as the youth representative for his local area. While on the Youth Panel, Kramer was given special permission to join the meetings of the Disability Panel to provide advice and feedback. After his three-year term on the Youth Panel ended, Kramer applied to be on the Disability Panel, and has been with the Panel for two years.


You’ve served on Auckland Council’s Youth Advisory Panel and Disability Advisory Panel, as well as a wide range of governance and advisory groups. What drives your energy and enthusiasm?

Ensuring that disability and youth with a disability have a voice at the table. It’s important to me that all voices are heard equally. This is the only way we can drive change and make Auckland not only a place that is accessible to everyone, but a place that everyone enjoys and wants to be.


What advice do you have for other young Pasifika people who are thinking about giving this kind of leadership a go?

I really encourage it, a lot of opportunities will be presented to you, both little and big. Try and say yes to it all, as every opportunity will develop you as a leader. The experience I have from being on both the Youth Advisory and Disability Advisory Panels has helped me to develop both professionally and personally, and I’m proud that I’ve had a voice in some significant decisions.


What style of leadership do you think is needed for Auckland to thrive in a post-COVID-19 world?

I would say transformational leadership. Transformational leaders are able to motivate and inspire people and to direct positive changes. COVID-19 has presented us with many challenges, but with the right leadership we can get back on track to keep progressing in our support of people with disabilities, and I’m looking forward to being a part of that.

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