Local planning to meet growing community needs

Last Updated : 04 Feb 2022
Area Plan
View from Pukewīwī, Puketāpapa (Mt Roskill)

Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa are areas with growing and diverse community needs.

To meet the challenges of growing and diverse community needs, the Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden local loards and Auckland Council are working with mana whenua, governmental and community organisations to plan for future growth at the local level.

Planning now means that the area will benefit from community input at the local level and result in a local area that works for the communities that live and work here.

“Where people live, the type of housing and transport choices they have, and where jobs, education and services are will play an important role in our area’s future” says Julie Fairey, Chair of the Puketāpapa Local Board.

“We are keen on hearing from those who live here now, come here to access work or services, or who want to live here, about how our neighbourhoods should be developed as Auckland grows.”

The draft Area Plan for parts of Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden local boards sets a 30-year vision for Mt Roskill, Ōwairaka, Sandringham, Wesley, Waikōwhai and Three Kings. 

The plan sets priority areas for investment and action. It has been developed in partnership with the Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa local boards, mana whenua, and with input from the community.

The plan will help prepare these suburbs and their communities for the changes that will come from population growth, housing intensification, and climate change over the next few decades.

Until 4 March 2022 people living in the Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden local areas can give their views on the vision, outcomes and proposed actions in the draft plan. Check out the summary engagement booklet and the draft area plan. 

Consultation closes on 4 March 2022 so have your say now.

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