Increased Public Transport needed to meet growth challenge in Whau, says local board

Publish Date : 28 Apr 2022
New Lynn Transport Hub
New Lynn Transport Hub

Whau needs more feeder bus services, an increase in frequency of trains and provision of a park and ride building in New Lynn to meet the challenge of growth in the area, says Whau Local Board.

In its feedback on Auckland Council’s Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, Whau Local Board has raised concerns over the challenges growth and intensification is having on the area, with congestion, increased emissions and pressure on the public transport network all impacting climate targets.

The board has also called for investment in the towns and industrial areas of Whau, arguing that creating local employment will reduce the reliance on travelling by car out of the area and encourage more people to work closer to home.


Whau Local Board Chair, Kay Thomas says that the board is concerned about the level of emissions in the area.

“At the moment, there are multiple issues that need addressing in order to reduce the emissions from the Whau catchment.

“So, we believe a multi-faceted approach to this challenge is necessary. Firstly, improving our public transport network must be high on the list of ways to reduce peoples’ dependency on their cars.

“Feeder bus services from the outlying areas that bring people into the transport hub is one important change needed to stop people driving into the area from outside.

“While increasing the frequency of the trains on the Western Line to every 10 minutes will give more surety to commuters who can be confident that they will have a regular option from the transport hub to get into the CBD.

“However, we also have to acknowledge that people who live in areas such as the Waitākere Ranges but work in the CBD will often be forced to drive from their homes and because of a lack of parking options in New Lynn, are then presented with no other alternative than to drive all the way into the CBD, which is the worst outcome from an emissions standpoint.

“We believe a park and ride facility, that has space for bikes, scooters and provision for electric vehicles, would play an important role in reducing that scenario, so we will continue to advocate for that in New Lynn.”

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