Preparing for wet and wild weather

Last Updated : 11 Jul 2022
20220710 Rainy Day
Image: Stock photo

The winter weather has well and truly arrived in Auckland, with July proving to be a damp old month so far.

And with the wind and rain expected to continue for a couple more weeks yet, Auckland Emergency Management’s General Manager, Paul Amaral, is urging Aucklanders to be prepared.

“While the levels of rain that we’ve seen so far haven’t exceeded any thresholds, the ground here in Auckland is starting to get quite saturated. This can prove to be a bit of an issue and potentially lead to flooding in some areas if the water has nowhere to go.

“With reports of more wet weather to come over the next few days and weeks, we’re reminding Aucklanders to be prepared and to take steps to minimise the risk of flooding on their properties.

“Please check your gutters and drains for any blockages and tie down or bring in any loose items.

“Ensure your mobile devices are charged and keep an eye on the weather forecast for the latest updates.

“If flooding does occur, please avoid travelling if you can and never drive through flood waters. If things get bad and your life or property is in danger, please call 111 immediately.”

Getting prepared

  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast and get ready to act
  • If your property or suburb may be affected by slips or power outages, prepare for the possibility that your road access may be cut off and ensure you have food and provisions on hand in case of isolation.
  • Ensure your mobile devices are charged
  • Check your gutters and drains are clear
  • Bring in or tie down any loose outdoor items
  • Report flooding and trees down on public land to Auckland Council via the online Report a Problem tool or by calling 09 301 0101
  • Debris can become stuck in drains – if you see this, report it to the council via the online Report a Problem tool
  • Avoid travelling in bad weather where possible and never drive through floodwaters
  • Never attempt to drive over slips and treat power lines as live at all times
  • If your life or property is in danger, call 111 immediately
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