Bob Wichman bids adieu to local politics

Publish Date : 20 Sep 2022
38 346244 Bob Wichman
Bob at Howick Local Board's volunteer recognition breakfast

A familiar name is missing from this year’s ballot paper for Howick Local Board.

Member Bob Wichman is not seeking re-election after serving three terms on the board.

Wichman has had a long association with local government, his nine years of local board service coming on top of serving on the former Manukau City Council.

That service only ended when the Manukau City Council ceased to exist with the introduction of the Super City in 2010, when he was, with Anne Candy, the longest-serving councillor.

He was unsuccessful in his 2010 Auckland Council bid, returning to local government in 2013 with his election to Howick Local board.

In 2016 local newspapers reported his re-election was his eighth success, one he added to three years later when he was returned to represent the southern subdivision.

His astonishing length of service means he can boast of having served his community in some local government roles across two different centuries.

Current Local Board Chair Adele White says Wichman was always a strong voice for the community.

“You were never left in any doubt on where Bob stood on an issue, and he was unafraid to challenge the status quo or express a different opinion, especially if he thought it represented the views of his constituents.

“Bob regularly spoke out on matters that were of concern to him - often questioning council’s spending; and as a passionate advocate for Road Safety.”

“Very few people decide to seek office, let alone give the kind of service he has. His absence will be felt.”

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