Celebrating 10 years of Kelston Community Hub

Publish Date : 09 Dec 2022
Kelston Community Hub

Locals gathered at the Kelston Community Hub in December to celebrate 10 years since the hub opened as a place for whānau to come together.

Whau Local Board Chair Kay Thomas and member Catherine Farmer were present to celebrate the milestone.

The local board has funded the hub and the community groups gathering there from the beginning. Over time, the local board has also funded improvements in response to the community’s needs, like the upgrade to the playgroup room. 

Over 200 people use the hub each month. Activities community groups provide at the hub include craft, art and workshops, such as resilience workshops on how to respond to floods and quakes. Most activities are facilitated by enthusiastic volunteers. The hub also has a weekly Kelston Homegrown Market selling fresh produce, craft, home baking, art and oils.

The Kelston community has not only been celebrating how the hub has provided a safe space for residents for ten years but is also looking forward to what can be achieved and provided in the future.

“As our communities have continued to grow and evolve with different ideas from volunteers and staff, so has the use of the hub,” says Whau Local Board Chair Kay Thomas.  “And as people come and go, our hope is that our community hub will continue to be a place of comfort, learning, and sharing of ideas.”

Collaboration has been at the heart of the hub. It all started in 2010 when locals got together with the support of the Kelston Community Trust. The project was driven by Darren Smith, former principal of St Leonards Road School and local board members.

During the following year, the community developed their ideas and clarified their needs.  The Kelston Community Hub was officially opened at 68 St Leonards Road, Kelston in 2012.

“A lot has happened over the years, from cooking classes, knitting, art, community meetings, weaving, and youth activities that were driven by the Sisterhood to name a few,” says Valeria Gascoigne, Hub Manager.

She says that people are the essence of the hub.  “We are always looking for more volunteers and ideas to develop our community space, so please get in touch.”

The hub is open from 9am-3pm Monday to Friday.

Get in touch

Phone: 09 813 9670
Email: kelstonhub@gmail.com

​Email: manager.kelstonhub@gmail.com

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