Mayor declares Auckland ‘a city with culture’

Publish Date : 21 Dec 2022
Pasifika Festival
Pasifika Festival

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has indicated that funding cuts are highly unlikely for those ‘arts and cultural events most highly valued by Aucklanders’.

The Mayor’s letter of expectation to Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU), to be sent this week, specifically requires the council-controlled organisation to continue to support Pasifika, Diwali, and Auckland Lantern Festival.

“Events like these have helped make Auckland the vibrant region that it is. There is no doubt that each of these festivals will continue to be supported by Auckland Council Group in the next financial year, despite the current economic storm,” Mayor Brown said.

The Mayor expects Aucklanders to have their say and make clear during consultation what events council and private-sector backers should continue to support.

“By necessity, the mayoral proposal included savings that can be found quickly. These proposed savings require some tough decisions, and we will listen to what Aucklanders say matter most to them through public consultation on the draft annual budget in March 2023,” Mayor Brown said.

It is too soon for the Mayor to comment on funding for other specific local events.

Auckland Council Group, including council-controlled organisations, currently faces a budget deficit of $295 million for the 2023/24 financial year. This follows several rounds of COVID-related restructuring.

Mayor Brown has set a savings target of $60 million for Auckland Council. To meet that target, council staff have proposed savings that could realistically be achieved at this time to go to public consultation.

The mayoral proposal, passed by the Governing Body 20-1 on December 15, is only the first step in developing the annual budget.

In the following months, the Governing Body will discuss the mayoral proposal and develop the draft annual budget, which will go to public consultation on the AK Have Your Say website in March 2023.

The Governing Body and local boards will deliberate on this feedback, and work to finalise and approve the annual budget in late-June 2023.

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