Mayor’s budget proposal seeks record savings

Publish Date : 01 Dec 2022

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown’s forthcoming 2023/24 budget proposal will seek record savings of $130 million across Auckland Council, and Council-Controlled Organisations (CCOs), to help bridge a forecast budget hole of $295 million.

Cost savings from Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, Tataki Auckland Unlimited, and Eke Panuku Development Auckland are part of Mayor Brown’s budget proposal, which will be put to the council’s Governing Body next week.

The Mayor said he brings a fresh pair of eyes to the annual budget.

This is the biggest savings package in Auckland Council’s history and will help prevent a rates rise of more than 13%, which would otherwise be required to bridge the budget hole.

The Mayor’s Office confirmed today that the budget proposal will include:

  • $60 million in savings from Auckland Council spending in 2023/24, on top of $33 million in cuts for the current financial year.
  • $25 million in savings offered by Auckland Transport for 2023/24.
  • $27.5 million in savings offered by Tataki Auckland Unlimited for 2023/24.
  • $5 million initial savings offered by Eke Panuku Development Auckland for 2023/24.

The Expenditure Control and Procurement Committee will be asked to identify a further $7.5 million from Auckland Transport and $5 million from Auckland Council and other CCOs in savings.

In addition to $130 million in savings from Auckland Council and CCOs, the Mayor’s budget proposal will now seek a further $10 million from Ports of Auckland Ltd, bringing the total dividend to at least $31 million for 2023/24.

There is no provision as yet for an expected increase in costs for the City Rail Link.

“These savings are just one part of my budget proposal, which will help keep rates affordable for Auckland households amidst this cost-of-living crisis and rising mortgage rates,” Mayor Brown said.

“The first place to look for greater efficiencies and cost savings is inside our own organisation, without touching the core services that Aucklanders told me they value.”

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