Franklin parks to be brought under one plan

Publish Date : 05 Jul 2023
Hunua Park

A Franklin Local Parks Management Plan is to be prepared, replacing individual plans for dozens of popular parks across the region.

Franklin Local Board has approved public notification of the intention to prepare the plan for all local parks and reserves, including inviting written suggestions on the proposed plan.

Board deputy chair Alan Cole says the plan is still some way off, with the board merely approving the scope of the work and an engagement approach for development of the plan.

“Our expectation is that we will get advice on any reserves where there’s local decision-making, and that advocacy-only roles apply only where that decision-making is absent.

“We’ve also suggested undertaking engagement by subdivision because of the size of our area, and noted there are extensive esplanade reserves around the Manukau Harbour and Wairoa River.”

He says the board would remain open to partnerships and co-management options.

Once adopted, the plan will provide a policy framework to manage use, protect and develop Franklin parks.

Land in scope includes park land for which the board has delegated decision-making under both the Reserves Act and Local Government Act.

Open space is excluded where it is not owned or managed by Auckland Council, or where the local board does not have a decision-making role, such as at regional parks and drainage reserves.

The board has decision-making over about 190 parks and reserves, 29 with existing management plans, all of them 10 years old or more, and to be superseded by the new plan.

Cole says local park management plans are an important tool to protect the values of parks while providing for appropriate activities. 

“They provide a framework for consistent, transparent decision-making for managing and developing parks that guides the board, council group, other organisations and the wider community.”

The next steps in development are publicly notifying the intention to prepare the plan, initiating engagement, and partnership with mana whenua. It is anticipated a draft plan will be available for public consultation in early or mid-2024. 

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