Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board Plan consultation open

Publish Date : 21 Jul 2023
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It’s more important than ever that residents speak up and let Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board know if the three-year plan, just released for consultation, is right for our community.

The board has prepared a draft plan that will guide local board decision-making in Ōtara-Papatoetoe over the next three years on things like parks and playgrounds, community funding and group support, as well as events and programmes.

Now the board want to hear from residents and is asking them to fill out the simple online form at akhaveyoursay.govt.nz/localboardplans by 14 August.

Chair Apulu Reece Autagavaia says now that when the community speak, both the older generation and the younger generation, we listen, and we respond.
“This board will hold the Council accountable for its investment decisions so that the communities that face the most difficulties managing and taking action are at the front of the line for investment,” says Apulu.
“We will also partner with mana whenua and our community organisations who are already doing great work to make sure they feel supported and value.”
“We will make sure development happens sustainably, so it doesn’t compromise the needs of our community for adequate open spaces, sports fields, facilities and easy movement of people and goods.”

Traditionally the Pasifika heartland of Auckland, the board is seeing more and more people of different ethnicities making Ōtara-Papatoetoe their home as well.

“We will make sure all our people feel included and have a say in council decisions. Council has not always done a good job connecting with our diverse communities and that must change,” adds Apulu.
“We will continue to support our community networks, our community leaders of today and tomorrow, and our community organisations to keep up the great work in making our community welcoming to all. We will also continue to make sure our community facilities and services meet the changing needs of our diverse communities”.
The plan includes five key areas – people, community, environment, places, and economy. Key objectives and the initiatives that the board wants to see delivered are listed under each area.
“There is much to do and little time and money to do it. Your input on what we need to prioritise for the next three years will help us greatly with this challenge and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on our draft plan,” Apulu concludes.

Have your say

To ensure the community have access to a variety of ways to engage here is a list of ways you can have your say:

Feedback must be received before consultation closes at 4pm on Monday 14 August.


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