Ōtara-Papatoetoe work programme delivers on projects the public has supported during consultations

Publish Date : 08 Aug 2023
Flags In Otara Papatoetoe Area Updated

Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board has approved its Governance, Infrastructure and Environmental Services, and Customer and Community Services Work Programmes.

Chair Apulu Reece Autagavaia says the programmes are as close a reflection as the board could get, with a reduced budget, to what it heard during community feedback.

“We prioritised the areas our people asked us to keep a focus on, and where we believed would further empower our communities.”

In the Governance space, $50,000 has been allocated to enhancing inclusion in local decision-making, and another $10,000 to community engagement, as part of a total of $81,000 to outcomes such as Tuia and Ara Kōtui - a joint mana whenua and southern boards initiative to enable mana whenua involvement in decision-making.

“We want to engage more effectively with our communities so we’ve chosen to invest more in that space, including our mana whenua and mataawaka aspirations,” he says.

In the Infrastructure and Environmental Services space, $325,500 has been allocated to organisations to deliver initiatives and projects including Ōtara Waterways and Lake Trust, Pest Free South Auckland, OPE: Building sustainable community and KaiWaka.

“Our community prioritised environmental programmes during consultations. That’s reflected in our sustainable and healthy natural environment focus, which is why we support ecosystems and sustainability through board-funded initiatives such as planting, pest control, stream and water quality enhancements, healthy home, and waste minimisation projects.

“Despite budget cuts, we’re proud to have maintained the same percentage of funding as previous years for projects that will improve our environment,” he says.

Meanwhile the board has rejected reducing rubbish bin numbers across the area and asked that any reduction be monitored so impacts can be recorded.

Autagavaia says the decision to cut bin numbers was made by the mayor and councillors, but the impact will be felt locally.

“We need to keep an eye on any adverse effects, especially considering there is already an issue with illegal dumping.”

In approving its Customer and Community Services work programme, the board allocated a total of $340,000 to projects including grants and excellence awards, asking for a summary of community grant applications.

“Our community has told us to protect grants so groups can apply for funding. We have responded by ensuring we have maintained a similar funding from previous years despite having our overall budget cut. Grants put funding in the hands of our community, empowering events and activities. Our locals know locals best.”

For the Ōtara-Papatoetoe draft plan click here. You have until 14 August to provide your feedback.

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