Albert-Eden launches three-year plan

Publish Date : 08 Nov 2023
Adopted 2023 AE LBP Cover

Residents and community back strong climate action for Albert-Eden as the local board adopts its three-year plan.

After months of planning, discussion and consultation with Albert-Eden residents and community groups, the local board adopted its plan for 2023-2026.

Board Chair, Margi Watson is thrilled to announce the finalised plan and appreciates the feedback from local communities.

“Determining our strategy for the next three years has been a huge piece of work for everyone involved and we want to thank our community for all their feedback. We value your input and want you to know you’ve been heard,” she says.

Overall, feedback on the draft plan supported proposed climate action objectives and initiatives. Comments commonly indicated climate action and the environment were top priorities.

“Locals have told us climate action is urgently required, and transport choices should be planned and provided to directly address climate impacts,” says Chair Watson.

The draft plan proposed to meet the challenge of taking climate action by including initiatives aimed at improving climate action knowledge and education, improving transport choices and minimising climate impacts on the environment and people. Initiatives to support these are spread across the plan in Our People, Our Environment, Our Community and Our Places.

The plan also outlines objectives for local communities to have the places and activities that enhance their lifestyles.

“We want our community to have strong local leadership and participation in decision-making processes, to be resilient and supported, particularly through times of change and challenge, so everyone can thrive,” says Chair Watson.

However, the local board can’t afford to maintain all of its local services and facilities due to recent budget reductions. As part of the plan consultation, residents were asked for their views on how this should be addressed. The majority of respondents, individuals and organisations were supportive of:

  • introducing a targeted rate for specific projects

  • sell under-used facilities and/or land

  • introducing commercial leases to council facilities.

While 62 per cent of individuals supported increasing fees and charges for some council services and council-owned facilities, 58 per cent of organisations did not support this approach.

The majority of respondents did not support reducing services.

Local board plans are strategic documents required by law for each of the 21 local board areas, and developed in consultation with the community. They set out the direction for the local area reflecting community aspirations and priorities, and guide decisions on local activities, projects, and facilities.

Chair Watson explains, “The plan is about what’s important to us and our community, and it helps guide our annual work plans and expenditure and input into the council’s regional strategies and plans."

With the plan now final, the board will work to achieve the goals and ensure desired outcomes are on track and can be delivered over the next three years.

Check out the plan here.

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