Share your voice on the future of Waiheke transport

Publish Date : 10 Jun 2024
Waiheke Ferry Big

Waiheke residents are being called to give feedback on the future of Auckland’s transport.

Consultation on Auckland Transport’s draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RTLP) is open now until 17 June and Waiheke Local Boards Chair Cath Handley is calling on the Waiheke community to let AT know what their priorities are for transport on the motu.

“There are limited funds to support all the proposed transport projects across Tāmaki Makaurau so we need you to let AT know what really matters for Waiheke, so those projects get recognised as priorities” she says.

So, what’s at stake in the RLTP for Waiheke?

  • The Matiatia Landside (Park and Ride & Corridor Improvements) “There’s $25m in this plan for that project but it’s currently priority 100 out of 108! (See page 35). The landside at Matiatia has been due for extensive redevelopment for many years. Meanwhile, traffic volumes have increased significantly so please give your feedback on this.”

  • Waiheke 10-year transport plan “The funding for this is in there – but it is not committed. We need this plan funded to get many basic planned improvements in our transport infrastructure underway." See Other projects considered by RLTP for NLTF funding (pages 87-88).

Along with the key projects above, Handley’s stresses that the plan addresses a range of concerns that Waiheke residents have addressed as priorities to the board time and again.

“There’s so much more in here – cycleways, footpaths, public transport, electrification of inner harbour ferries, rural road sealing, maintenance of roads, and ambitious projects for the region that are so important to life here on the motu.

“So please have a look at the draft and give your feedback. It’s really straightforward and an interesting read.”

Submit your feedback on the draft plan today at            

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